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- last change: 2023/12/10
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current read
Stephen King - It
past reads
Rachel Abbott - Sleep Tight
Craig Alanson - Columbus Day (Expeditionary Force Book 1)
Craig Alanson - SpecOps (Expeditionary Force Book 2)
Andreas Altmann - Im Land der Freien:
Philip Ball - Critical Mass:
Simon Becket - Die Chemie des Todes:
Simon Beckett - Flammenbrut
Simon Beckett - Kalte Asche:
Simon Beckett - Leichenblaesse
: Good too.
Simon Beckett - The Calling of the Grave
Simon Beckett - Verwesung
: Creepy.
Irving Belateche - H2O
: not bad
Sibylle Berg - Ein paar Leute suchen das Glück und lachen sich tot: Roman (German Edition)
Paul Bilton - The Xenophobe's Guide to the Swiss
Keith C Blackmore - Hellifax (Mountain Man Book 3)
Keith C Blackmore - Mountain Man
Keith C Blackmore - Safari (Mountain Man Book 2)
Keith C Blackmore - Well Fed (Mountain Man Book 4)
Howard Bloom - The Lucifer Principle
Howard Bloom - The Lucifer Principle:
Andy Borowitz - An Unexpected Twist
Dan Brown - Angels & Demons
Dan Brown - Deception Point:
Dan Brown - Inferno: A Novel
: just WOW
Dan Brown - Origin
Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code
John D. Brown - Bad Penny
Ryk Brown - Arrival
Bill Bryson - A Short History of Nearly Everything
: immensely interesting
Bill Bryson - Notes From A Big Country
: dead-on and very funny
Italo Calvino - Der Baron auf den Bäumen:
Steven Campbell - Hard Luck Hank: Basketful of Crap
Steven Campbell - Hard Luck Hank: Screw the Galaxy
W. Bernard Carlson - Tesla
: if you know one thing or two about physics, you'll be disappointed
Gianrico Carofiglio - In freiem Fall:
John Carreyrou - Bad Blood
Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep:
Robert B. Cialdini - Influence
Eric H. Cline - 1177 B.C.
George Clinton - Brothas Be, Yo Like George, Ain't That Funkin' Kinda Hard On You?: A Memoir
James Comey - A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership
Michael Connelly - The Burning Room
Douglas Coupland - JPod:
Michael Crichton - Airframe
Michael Crichton - Congo
Michael Crichton - Next
Michael Crichton - Prey
Michael Crichton - The Eaters of the Dead
Michael Crichton - Timeline
Blake Crouch - Abandon
: nice
Evan Currie - Homeworld (Odyssey One)
: 3 of Odyssey One
Evan Currie - Into the Black: Odyssey One
: Part 1,
Evan Currie - On Silver Wings
Evan Currie - The Heart of Matter: Odyssey One
: 2 and
Evan Currie - Valkyrie Rising (On Silver Wings Book 2)
Chuck D - Chuck D Presents This Day in Rap and Hip-Hop History
Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves:
Friedrich Christian Delius - Die Frau, für die ich den Computer erfand:
Jared Diamond - Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed: Revised Edition
Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs and Steel
Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, and Steel:
Tim Draper - How to be The Startup Hero: A Guide and Textbook for Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Entrepreneurs
John Dreese - Red Hope: (Book 1)
Robert Dugoni - My Sister's Grave
Åke Edwardson - Rotes Meer
Åke Edwardson & Angelika Kutsch - Toter Mann
Bret Easton Ellis - American Psycho
Bret Easton Ellis - Glamorama
Bret Easton Ellis - Imperial Bedrooms
Bret Easton Ellis - Less Than Zero
Bret Easton Ellis - Lunar Park
Bret Easton Ellis - The Informers
Bret Easton Ellis - The Rules of Attraction
Craig A. Falconer - Not Alone
Peter Ernst Fischer - Schrödingers Katze auf dem Mandelbrotbaum: Durch die Hintertür zur Wissenschaft
: Interesting read even for a physicist
Bruno Flexer - Mechanical
Ken Follett - The Pillars of the Earth
William R. Forstchen - One Second After
: Frighteningly realistic EMP catastrophe
Thomas Friedman - The World is Flat
Michael Frye - Digital Landscape Photography:
Eduard Glatz - Betriebssysteme
Adam Grant - Originals
Glenn Greenwald - No Place to Hide
Brendan Gregg - Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud
Christopher Greyson - JACKS ARE WILD (Detective Jack Stratton Mystery Thriller Series Book 3)
John Grisham - A Time To Kill
: My first Grisham
Michael C Grumley - Breakthrough
Michael C Grumley - Evan After
Michael C Grumley - Leap
Joe Haldeman - Camouflage
Joe Haldeman - Forever Free - Forever War 03
Joe Haldeman - Forever Peace - Forever War 02
Joe Haldeman - The Forever War
Justin Halpern - I Suck at Girls
Justin Halpern - Sh*t My Dad Says
Peter F. Hamilton - Fallen Dragon:
Peter F. Hamilton - Pandora's Star
Peter F. Hamilton - The Dreaming Void:
Peter F. Hamilton - The Evolutionary Void:
Peter F. Hamilton - The Temporal Void:
James Hankins - Brothers and Bones
Yuval Noah Harari - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Yuval Noah Harari - Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit
Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
Yuval Noah Harari - Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time
: now (with a PhD in physics) I understand it better than 15 years ago
Heinrich Heine - Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen
Peer Heinlein - Dovecot
John Hibbing - Predisposed
Henry Hill - Gangsters and Goodfellas:
Tom Hillenbrand - Drohnenland
Christopher Hitchens - God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything:
Michael Hjorth - Der Mann, der kein Mörder war:Die Fälle des Sebastian Bergman
Roger Hobbs - Ghostman
: solid crime book
Colleen Hoover - Hopeless
G. Michael Hopf - The End - A Post Apocalyptic Novel
: scaringly realistic
Sabine Hossenfelder - Lost in Math
Hugh Howey - Beacon 23: The Complete Novel
Hugh Howey - Dust (Silo Saga)
: Nice ending of the trilogy.
Hugh Howey - Half Way Home
: nice
Hugh Howey - Sand Omnibus
Hugh Howey - Shift Omnibus Edition (Shift 1-3) (Silo Saga)
: probably the weakest of the 3 parts
Hugh Howey - The Hurricane
Hugh Howey - Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga)
Andrew 'bunnie' Huang - Hacking The Xbox
Andrew 'bunnie' Huang - The Hardware Hacker: Adventures in Making and Breaking Hardware
Christian Humberg - Der alte Mann und das Netz: Mein Vater entdeckt das Internet
Walter Isaacson - Steve Jobs
: Evil genius
Jonas Jonasson - The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
: pretty funny indeed
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow
Michio Kaku - Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100
Robert Kanigel - The Man Who Knew Infinity
John Katzenbach - The Dead Student
John Katzenbach - The Madman's Tale
John Katzenbach - The Wrong Man
John Katzenbach - What Comes Next
Elliott Kay - Poor Man's Fight
: not bad
Gerald M. Kilby - Colony One Mars: A SciFi Thriller (Colony Mars Book 1)
Gerald M. Kilby - Colony Two Mars: A SciFi Thriller (Colony Mars Book 2)
Sara King - Forging Zero (The Legend of ZERO)
: meh
Stephen King - 11/22/63
: Very good
Stephen King - Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger: (Volume 1) (The Dark Tower)
Stephen King - End of Watch (The Bill Hodges Trilogy Book 3)
Stephen King - Finders Keepers
Stephen King - Misery
Stephen King - Mr. Mercedes: A Novel
Stephen King - Salems Lot
Stephen King - Song of Susannah
Stephen King - The Dark Tower
Stephen King - The Drawing of the Three
Stephen King - The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King - The Shining
Stephen King - The Stand
Stephen King - The Waste Lands
Stephen King - Under the Dome
Stephen King - Under the dome:
Stephen King - Wizard and Glass
Stephen King - Wolves of the Calla
Steven Konkoly - Black Flagged Alpha (The Black Flagged Series Book 1)
Stieg Larsson - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
: Finishing off the trilogy
Stieg Larsson - The Girl Who Played with Fire
: OK they're good.
Stieg Larsson - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
: Join the hype
Jenny Lawson - Let's Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir)
: quite funny at times
Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice
Ann Leckie - Ancillary Mercy
Ann Leckie - Ancillary Sword
Elmore Leonard - 52 Pickup
Elmore Leonard - Charlie Martz and Other Stories
Elmore Leonard - Cuba Libre
Elmore Leonard - Djibouti
Elmore Leonard - Fire in the Hole
Elmore Leonard - Killshot
Elmore Leonard - Maximum Bob
Elmore Leonard - Mr. Paradise
Elmore Leonard - Out of Sight
Elmore Leonard - Pagan Babies
Elmore Leonard - Pronto
Elmore Leonard - Riding the Rap
Elmore Leonard - Stick
Elmore Leonard - Swag
Elmore Leonard - The Hunted
Elmore Leonard - The Moonshine War
Elmore Leonard - The Switch
Elmore Leonard - Three-Ten to Yuma and Other Stories
Elmore Leonard - Tishomingo Blues
Elmore Leonard - When the Women Come Out to Dance
Cixin Liu - Death's End (The Three-Body Problem)
Cixin Liu - The Dark Forest
Cixin Liu - The Three-Body Problem
Omarosa Manigault Newman - Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House
Thomas Mann - Der Zauberberg
Matthew Mather - CyberStorm
: very good end-of-the-world story
Matthew Mather - Darknet
Matthew Mather - Nomad: A Thriller (The New Earth Series, Book 1)
Cormac McCarthy - The Road:
Mark Wayne McGinnis - The Simpleton
Pascal Mercier - Der Klavierstimmer:
Pascal Mercier - Nachtzug nach Lissabon
Paul Midler - Poorly Made in China
David Miller - AWOL on the Appalachian Trail
Kevin Mitnick - Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker
: Amazing what social hacking can do.
Kevin Mitnick - The Art of Deception
: too much bla bla
Kevin Mitnick - The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders & Deceivers
Rick Mofina - If Angels Fall
: Nothing to write home about
Stephen Moss - Fear the Future (The Fear Saga Book 3)
Stephen Moss - Fear the Sky (The Fear Saga Book 1)
Stephen Moss - Fear the Survivors (The Fear Saga Book 2)
Randall Munroe - What If?
Ramez Naam - Apex (The Nexus Trilogy Book 3)
Ramez Naam - Crux (The Nexus Trilogy Book 2)
Ramez Naam - Nexus (The Nexus Trilogy Book 1)
Jo Nesbø - Der Fledermausmann: Roman
Jo Nesbø - Die Larve: Harry Holes neunter Fall
Jo Nesbø - Rotkehlchen:
Håkan Nesser - Das zweite Leben des Herrn Roos: Roman - Ein Fall für Inspektor Barbarotti
Håkan Nesser - Die Einsamen: Ein Fall für Inspektor Barbarotti
Christopher Nuttall - Ark Royal
James Patterson - The President Is Missing: A Novel
Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture
M. Scott Peck - People of the Lie:
M. Scott Peck - The Road Less Traveled:
Andrew Peterson - Contract to Kill (The Nathan McBride Series Book 5)
Andrew Peterson - First to Kill (The Nathan McBride Series Book 1)
Andrew Peterson - Forced to Kill (The Nathan McBride Series Book 2)
Andrew Peterson - Option to Kill (The Nathan McBride Series Book 3)
Andrew Peterson - Ready to Kill (The Nathan McBride Series Book 4)
Douglas Phillips - Quantum Space (Quantum Series Book 1)
Douglas Phillips - Quantum Void (Quantum Series Book 2)
Richard Phillips - Immune (The Rho Agenda)
: 2 and
Richard Phillips - The Second Ship (The Rho Agenda)
: Part 1,
Richard Phillips - Wormhole (The Rho Agenda)
: 3 of the Rho Agenda - not too bad
Thomas Piketty - Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant - Annihilation (Alien Invasion Book 4)
Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant - Colonization (Alien Invasion Book 3)
Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant - Contact
Sean Platt & Johnny B. Truant - Invasion (Alien Invasion Book 1)
Phil Price - Unknown (The Forsaken Series Book 1)
Marc Rainer - Capital Kill
Marc Rainer - Horns of the Devil: A Jeff Trask Legal Thriller
Douglas E. Richards - AMPED (The WIRED Sequel)
: better
Douglas E. Richards - Mind's Eye
: Another cool scifi story
Douglas E. Richards - WIRED
: good
A.G. Riddle - Pandemic (The Extinction Files Book 1)
Simon Riggs - PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook
Mary Roach - Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void
Tom Robbins - Another Roadside Attraction:
Luca Rossi - Galactic Energies
Philip Roth - Exit Ghost:
Philip Roth - The Plot Against America:
Carlos Ruiz Zafon - Schatten des Windes:
Salman Rushdie - Shalimar The Clown:
Salman Rushdie - Shalimar the Clown
Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses
Nick Sand - System of Fear : An Action-Packed Techno Thriller
: not too bad
Brandon Sanderson - Legion
Christoph Schlingensief - So schön wie hier kanns im Himmel gar nicht sein!: Tagebuch einer Krebserkrankung
L.J. Sellers - Point of Control
Gary Shteyngart - Little Failure
Gary Shteyngart - Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel
Nate Silver - The Signal and the Noise: Why Most Predictions Fail-But Some Don't
: too much bla bla
Graeme Simsion - The Rosie Effect: Don Tillman 2 (Don Tillman series)
Graeme Simsion - The Rosie Project: Don Tillman 1 (Don Tillman Series)
Gregory Smith - PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance
Huston Smith - Why Religion Matters:
Nicholas Sansbury Smith - Extinction Horizon (The Extinction Cycle Book 1)
Flavio Soriga - Der schwarze Regen
John Steinbeck - Cannery Row:
Neal Stephenson - Anathem
Neal Stephenson - Anathem:
Neal Stephenson - Cobweb:
Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon
: it IS a good book
Neal Stephenson - Interface:
Neal Stephenson - Reamde
: Great fun.
Neal Stephenson - Seveneves
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash
: Very good
Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age
Neal Stephenson - The Great Simolean Caper
Neal Stephenson - The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.
Neal Stephenson - Zodiac
: Well done
Cliff Stoll - Cuckoo's Egg
: Fascinating
Benjamin Stuckrad-Barre - Panikherz
Daniel Suarez - Change Agent
Daniel Suarez - Daemon
Daniel Suarez - Freedom
Daniel Suarez - Influx
Daniel Suarez - Kill Decision
Dennis E. Taylor - All These Worlds (Bobiverse Book 3)
Dennis E. Taylor - For We Are Many (Bobiverse Book 2)
Dennis E. Taylor - We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Bobiverse Book 1)
Adrian Tchaikovsky - Children of Time: Winner of the 2016 Arthur C. Clarke Award
Michael Theurillat - Eistod:
Tim Tigner - Coercion
Kurt Tucholsky - Schloß Gripsholm
Ashlee Vance - Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Timur Vermes - Er ist wieder da: Der Roman
Tony Vigorito - Just a couple of days:
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse - Five
: eh?
David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest:
Henry S. Warren - Hacker's Delight
Dietmar Wehr - The Synchronicity War Part 1
Dietmar Wehr - The Synchronicity War Part 2
Dietmar Wehr - The Synchronicity War Part 3
Dietmar Wehr - The Synchronicity War Part 4
Andy Weir - Artemis
Andy Weir - The Martian
: what a page-turner!
Martha Wells - All Systems Red (Kindle Single): The Murderbot Diaries
Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising
Leslie Wolfe - Las Vegas Girl: A Gripping, Suspenseful Crime Novel
Michael Wolff - Fire and Fury
David Wong - John Dies at the End
: This is one strange book.
David Wong - This Book is Full of Spiders
Bob Woodward - Fear: Trump in the White House
Alain de Botton - The Art of Travel:
Leon de Winter - Das Recht auf Rückkehr:
a 2025 daduke production. all rights reserved.