Favorite music
Some of my favorite artists / CDs:
best live gigs I've been to:
  1. George Clinton in the Kaufleuten Zurich, Switzerland, 2005 - unbelievable
  2. Maceo Parker in the Z7 Pratteln, Switzerland, 2003
  3. Christian Willisohn and Lillian Boutté at the Tiengener Sommer, Tiengen, Germany, 2003
  4. Trudy Lynn in the Obere Mühle Dübendorf, Switzerland, 1998
  5. Nils Landgren and Joe Sample in the Kaufleuten Zurich, Switzerland, 2006

George Clinton Maceo Parker Christian Willisohn Trudy Lynn Nils Landgren & Joe Sample
all images Creative Commons License - last change: 2014/02/18
a 2025 daduke production. all rights reserved.